Dust Bowl Research Paper

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BLACK WALL Tsunamis of black dust wailed across the southwest plains, bleeding over the sun in their bitter darkness, stripping soil, and leaving thousands to abandon the ruins. The Dust Bowl of the 1930s is remembered as an intense struggle during American history. From 1931 to 1939, approximately seventy-five percent of the nation was affected by this era of dust storms and drought. Although the intensity of the Dust Bowl left memories of utter hopelessness, the wicked, merciless storms could not strip away the seeds of renewal that God planned to reap in the land. Creating them with a purpose, God designed the plains with the foreknowledge of the animals that would live in the land and the climate that it had. However, man looks upon…show more content…
When a dust storm begins, a shift of winds causes a disturbance, which is called turbulence. The temperature of the surface causes things to be circulated by the heat in currents. Particles are forced into the air by connective currents at the edge of the storm. The meteorological conditions of the area are important for investigating the size, intensity, and duration of dust storms. Humans’ farming techniques and their use of the land produce the explanation of climate change and why the dust increases. The weather patterns of dust storms can be broadly divided into two categories consisting of the large scale, or synoptic systems, and the smaller patterns which are called mesoscale systems. The synoptic systems can cover extreme distances that can be anywhere from six-hundred and twenty miles, to fifteen-hundred miles. They are formed when the fronts race through surfaces that are parched and hot while cold fronts cut underneath the hot air which causes an increase of pressure resulting in shifting winds. These types of dust storms carry millions of tons of dust sweeping across dry, dusty…show more content…
Those headed for California would load as many of their belongings that would fit on a truck, and they traveled west on Route 66. Others moved to Florida where, like California, the agriculture was less affected by all of the storms and the drought. However, California was not very pleased with the thousands of newcomers that came to settle in the state because with the Great Depression going on, more people coming to the state would take up the little jobs available. With this in mind, California passed a law that shut out newcomers from crossing the state’s borders. This law was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court four years

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