Dr. Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream Speech

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The speech I read is the ‘I have a dream’ speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The speech was delivered on August 23, 1968, in the American capital of Washington D. C. by a man many people acclaimed to be a great revolutionary. However, there was nothing revolutionary about this man, but he was only affirming and restating the promises of the country’s founding fathers which is denied to certain people and enjoyed by the white supremacist. Some argued that the speech calls for the emancipation of the black (Negro) race, but it is more than advocating for a particular group of people, rather, the speech anticipates and speculate freedom and justice for all, irrespective of color, race, gender, and social status when the author said “I have…show more content…
Although the struggle of minorities in the United States of America is widely known, the person of Martin Luther King was not very familiar to me probably because of the world apart or because of the period that the event took place. However, after reading the speech, it is apparent that the author is not just a revolutionary as some suggested, but the author is also a prophet reminding the country’s leadership of its obligation to its citizens irrespective of color, age, gender, and social status. The author reminds me of someone who is willing to pursue the course of liberty in plurality even when all odds are against it and present a message of unification of not just for the Negro, but the unification and acceptance of people of different faith and religion (B. McKay, 2008, para. 17). Conclusively, the author of the speech, Martin Luther King, Jr. envisage that segregation and discrimination can be eradicated if there is a political will to promulgate freedom, liberty, and equal rights and justice for all. He explicitly reminded the Negro the danger of gaining their rightful place while being guilty of wrongdoing and the message of peace cannot be mixed with violence which has intricate consequences of their freedom movement. Finally, as a prophet, he enjoins everyone regardless of religious affiliation to develop a sense of oneness and work together to achieve total
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