physicochemical studies [2]. These proteins exhibit the interesting properties of binding to a variety of hydrophobic ligands such as fatty acids, lysolecithin, bilirubin, warfarin, tryptophan, steroids, several dyes etc. The drugs (more than 90%) like analgesics, anesthetics, tranquilizers,
DIPLOMA PROJECT THEME FOR: Viviana Elena Sînziana DINU 1. Theme title: 3D Printed Robotic Hand Driven by Sensor Glove and Leap Motion 2. Initial design data: The robot hand must imitate the movements of a human hand fit into the glove that has motion sensors. The robot hand will have 5 motors, one for each finger of the hand. The motors will be controlled by a microcontroller. The glove must have 5 motion sensors that read the movement of the human hand that wears the glove, sending the data