Dorothea Lange ', 'Migrant Mother'

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Dorothea Lange was photojournalist and documentary photographer who is most famous for her photographs taken during the great depression after the Farm Security Administration in the United States employed her. The Great Depression caused Dorothea to take her camera from the studio and into the street to capture how real people were living. This is arguable Dorothea Lange’s most famous photograph, known as ‘Migrant Mother’. It was taken in 1936 during the Great Depression North of Los Angeles in a town called Nipomo. It is a photograph of a woman with two young children on either side of her leaning on her shoulders and a young baby in her lap. This woman was an out-of-work pea picker as the crop had been destroyed. She and her seven children were living at a campsite with many others in the same circumstance and they were on the brink of starvation. Through this photograph, Dorothea managed to capture the anxiety and desperation of the situation. The woman’s…show more content…
Dorothea has centred the main focus of the image, the woman, but the majority of the photo’s interest in located in the top third. This main focus is what the photo is all about. The woman’s emotions are clearly depicted through her face and this is where Dorothea has drawn the focus. In this photo, the visual elements are evenly spread creating a symmetrical balance. Dorothea has also taken this photograph with a very plain and simple background. This causes all the attention to be drawn towards the foreground where the mother is sitting with her children. By doing this Dorothea has eliminated the distractions and has caused people to really think about what is going on in the photo. This photo was taken in 1936 and Dorothea obviously was not able to take colour photos but although this is the case, the black and white tones of this photograph increase the grief and misery in this photo and add more

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