Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Analysis

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During the Victorian Period, Robert Browning, author of, The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxeds Church embraces death by disassociation, unlike the rebellious frame of mind of Dylan Thomas in Do Not Go Gentle into the Goodnight written in the twentieth century. Death is inevitable. It is one aspect of our lives that we cannot escape. Unfortunately, death is not always predictable and can create ravage upon our lives like a thief in the night. However, some are given the ability to foresee the coming of death. Therefore, how should one cope with the forth-coming of death? One’s reaction to death is often associated to influential experiences. These experiences will form a relationship between death and ones frame of mind. The frame of mind is a powerful tool during the forthcoming of death, because it shapes the individuals primary existence, worth, and their reaction to their impending death. In both “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” and “The Bishop Orders His Tomb…show more content…
One of the biggest religious debates during the Victorian Period was the Pagan elements and orthodox, Christian views. (Hecimovich, G Page 260) During this time, the Bishop expresses his theories of the afterlife. Throughout the poem the Bishop also stresses the importance of his superior existence through the demands of his interment arrangements. He is least concerned with the unknown afterlife and his deliverance from evil. He orders that a stone covering supported by “nine columns” be made in his honor. (Greenblatt, Stephen et al, 2013, 2126) However, Browning illustrates irony when the Bishop orders to be laid to rest at the front of Saint Praxed’s Church. This is in direct opposition of the Bishops’ religious behavior. Damascene notes in her writings, that the Bishop was a man of contradicting, optimistic, and pessimistic views (Sister Damascene,
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