Divine Foreknowledge Research Paper

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The Divine Foreknowledge Problem (DIFPA) is a significant problem to consider as it directly tackles the problem of whether God’s foreknowledge has an impact on our free will. The general understanding of divine foreknowledge is that if God foresees all actions and events, those actions or events must take place. That is, according to this problem, if it is possible to do something different than what God foresees, doing something different than what God foresees would make it look as if God doesn’t have divine foreknowledge. In this paper, I will describe the Divine Foreknowledge Problem covering each component, and I will describe a solution to the problem at hand. To first understand the Divine Foreknowledge Problem, one first needs to understand the premises. Firstly, if God has Divine Foreknowledge, then for any agent, S, and for any action, X, that S performs, it is necessary that S does X (or does X necessarily). Secondly, if it is necessary that if S…show more content…
Boethius makes a very strict and well defined claim for an eternal being. First, to truly be an eternal being one must encompass all of infinite life at once, meaning that all points past and present must not be absent, and this being must possess all of life. An eternal being must be outside of time, and it must simply be looking down upon the eternity of the Universe. As I mentioned previously, one can think of an eternal being as a being, without a relation to time, having access to all points past and present in a single instant. Essentially, God is an atemporal being. Thus, if you think about God’s foreknowledge, it is not as much foreknowledge as it is knowledge of an unchanging present. That is, God encompasses all things in one single instant as if all things were occurring in a single instant. This is because God encompasses all of eternity without a relation to time where all things are as if they are

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