Pope Gregory VII And The Investiture Controversy

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Upon examining European history, the period from ca. 1100 to 1350 was complicated. It was a time with many different changes occurring, and among those changes, perhaps some of the most important two were political and religious. By examination of sources such as letters dealing with the Investiture controversy, and Cannons from the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215, we can gain further insight on the relationship between political and religious changes in this time period. The relationship between spiritual and political authority was commonly very close – at times difficult to pull apart. The relationship was, at various times incompatible and demonstrated intense struggles on both sides for religious authority and political power. We can see indication of this struggle by examination of letters by Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV regarding the Investiture Controversy. The matter of concern was the customary privilege of…show more content…
Furthermore, this alludes to Gregory’s strong personality and idea that Popes are superior to all authority, though this was not much other than his personal opinion. However, it is important to note that after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, many churches ceased to look to the pope in Rome for guidance. Instead, nobles and kings assumed many different Christian duties. There was in place, canon law declaring that bishops were to be elected only by the clergy and people of their future bishopric. This canon law was never abolished, rather, it was

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