Differences Between Elderspeak And Ageism

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ELDERSPEAK AND AGEISM 1 Elderspeak is an aspect of language development some people utilize when speaking to older adults, sometimes suffering from Dementia, Alzheimer’s or a similar cognitive impairment but not always. Elderspeak or baby talk can be seen in settings where older adults are prevalent such as senior living centers and nursing homes. Elderspeak is similar to “baby talk” or Motherese and is a specific manner of speaking to another person using a high pitch, exaggerated intonation, much like the over accommodation style, but this type of speech is distinguished in how it is virtually identical to the style used when speaking to babies. (Nelson, 2002) Similar to a form of Ageism, these speech styles come from our judgements of older people as child-like in their level of cognitive ability and their dependency on other, often younger adults. (Nelson, 2002)…show more content…
Ageism is additionally attached to the accentuation that a society places on change, versatility, and velocity in the workforce. (Nelson, 2006) The more noteworthy the accentuation on these things, the more probable society will see the more seasoned worker as not focused, yet rather he/she may be viewed as a weight on the assets of society. The emphasis on youth, versatility, change, combined with the serious trepidation of death in American society prompts criticism of more established individuals, and anything connected with becoming older. (Nelson, 2006) Jokes about aging, with the certain message that it is awful or miserable to get old, are viewed as good-natured musings. Americans burn through billions of dollars on items and surgeries intended to shroud signs that they are physically

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