Difference Between Kellogg's And General Mills Marketing

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Question 3: a) Marketing mix is “the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market” (Kotler, P& Armstrong, G& Tolba, A& Habib, A, 2011) its components are: product, price, place and promotion. Product means the goods and services provided by the company to the customers, while price is the sum of money that must be paid by customer to get the product, place concern the availability of the product to the customers and finally promotion which are communicating the product features and benefits to the customers and make them buy it. From the product side Kellogg’s focus on providing a large set of different products and keep introducing new ones on regular basis, when setting…show more content…
“General Mills, Inc. is a manufacturer and marketer of branded consumer foods sold through retail stores. Their products include ready-to-eat cereals, refrigerated yogurt, ready-to-serve soup….” (www.forbes.com) The differences between Kellogg’s and General Mills marketing strategy is that: Kellogg’s marketing strategy work through position its brand as the healthiest product and improve its marketing mix by offering healthy high quality products with suitable and reasonable price and make these products available everywhere to customers and ensure communicating the products benefits properly to deliver products which will satisfy the customers. General mills marketing strategy “Health improvements have increasingly become a primary driver of our innovation, both on existing products and as we develop new products, said Marc Belton, General Mills executive vice president of Global Strategy, Growth and Marketing Innovation.”(www.proquest.com) The Company focus on balancing the health benefits associated with the good tastes that satisfy clients. However it is more truthful to say that the company focuses more on…show more content…
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