Diane Scanzenbach's Does Class Size Matter?

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In Diane Schanzenbach’s article, “Does Class Size Matter?” she discusses the significant reasons of why the class size matters and how it is impacting student outcomes, both short-term and long-term. While this may be a very expensive change to enforce in the education system, Schanzenbach, along with many others, believe that it will cost more in the future to fix what is occurring now. It is absolutely a cost-effective change that needs to be implemented in the school’s system as soon as possible. There has been an immense amount of research conducted to learn more about the effects of class sizes and teacher-to-student ratio among many different schools and many different grades; however, most of the research has been focused on the younger grades. Through this research, we have learned that smaller class sizes seem to be more important for lower-income and minority children and students in the earlier grades. One of the experiments discussed in the article is the Tennessee Student Teacher Achievement Ratio (Star) experiment. In this study, we saw that student’s test scores improved a significant amount after decreasing the class sizes to 13-17 students per class rather than the usual 22-25 students. Minority students’ test scores improved, teachers were able to actually review in the…show more content…
Smaller class sizes can lead to more student engagement, the ability to spend more time on a task at hand in the classroom, and instructions in the classroom could be more individualized and repeated with a smaller class. Bigger classes can hurt the student’s future and have an impact on their test-scores, which seems to be a huge concern in many of the school systems today. While this may be an expensive change to implement, it will be worth the price and definitely become a cost-effective strategy in the long

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