Describe S. P Kalama

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Describe S.P. Kalama’s map. What does he include in his depiction of the islands? How does his depiction differ from earlier maps of Hawaiʻi? S.P. Kalama’s map, entitled “Hawai‘i nei Na Kalama i kaha,” which means “ a map of the Hawaiian islands etched by Kalama,” is the one of the earliest known maps to have ahupua‘a divisions during the period of Mahele and the introduction of private property. The 1838 map shows the ahupua‘a in color codes, along with moku divisions. Previously made maps of Hawai’i had fewer names, the Kalama map had a significant number of place names shown for each islands, and the names of hundreds of ahupua‘a. What/Whose knowledge is Kalamaʻs map based on? Kalama learned mapping techniques from foreigners. For example, he guided Americans who were in Hawai’i to gather botanical specimens, and he was able to witness their mapping techniques first hand. He then adapted the Western method of mapping to reflect an ‘Oiwi approach or view of area boundaries. Kalama’s map use of color coding and different lettering for the ahupua‘a allowed foreigners to understand the ‘ōiwi concept of palena.…show more content…
What might that tell us about the privatization of land in Hawaiʻi? Kalama’s map was published just before the mahele, and it was available to people who desired to study the geography of Hawai‘iʻs ahupua‘a or to engineer the mahele. S.P. Kalama himself was not only a mapmaker, but also the clerk who recorded various entries in the Buke Mahele, a book of land awards for the 1848 Mahele. Describe the authors’ perspectives of Kalama’s map. In their opinions is the map a form of transculturation or acculturation? What reasoning do they give for their

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