Deprivation In Prisons

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Importation and deprivation represent two theoretical perspectives on patterns of response to imprisonment. This essay will define and distinguish these two models whilst illustrating their role in imprisonment. The two models have emerged to account for the variations in the response to imprisonment among inmate populations. The deprivation model which was developed in the 1950 and 1960s is the environment of the prison which is defined by prisoners as loss of freedom, to which can cause psychological trauma and such prisoners will create a deviant sub culture that promotes violence. Liberty, goods and services and security play a role. This model is based on, that depriving conditions of the prison promote aggressive and self-destructive…show more content…
In other words can be an application to suicide, the importation suggests that these individuals’ social and demographic characteristics best explain suicide in prison. For importation theorists, one suggests and explains that their mental state prior to prison, race, religion prior suicide attempts and substance abuse are the number one factor. Prisoners are expressed as a high risk for suicide numbers. Fruehwald (2004) suggested that psychiatric diagnoses were one of the most important predictors of suicide in the prison system. After all, anxiety, depression, drug and alcohol abuse are the number one causes of suicide if they’re in prison or not. After all, the deprivation model suggests that the higher levels of deprivation increase the likelihood of suicide. The importation model attributes suicide prison to the characteristics of inmates most risk of suicide. It is also stated the inmates with no or little education are more disruptive in the prison system than those who completed school. Their education level had a big impact on their mental state, depression and anxiety was a factor contributed. Prisoners bring their past and what they know on the outside to put into place for their survival
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