Philip Zimbardo's Abuse In The Stanford Prison

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There have been several studies conducted in order to find out the responsible persons and reasons behind the inmates’ abuse during their incarceration. Researches have shown that most of the time, guards and superintendents are responsible for the prisoner’s overall cruelties. Some of the examples of such wickedness inmates receive are verbal abuse, illegitimate hitting, physical restraining, sleep deprivation, denuding, and forced sexual intercourse and so on. And it is believed that dishonorable setting brings in bad behavior. Considering this, the guard may have to spend most of his time with such indicted criminals in the prison and such settings instigate them to bully or dominate such accused people. Further, psychologically, many of…show more content…
In 1971, psychologist Philip Zimbardo and his colleagues perform an experiment to evaluate impact of the situational variables of the jail. In the given case study, guards are found to be more aggressive and brutalizing, than they are in their real life. In the prison, these guards surprisingly show the negative emotions and actions. The prison is emblem of the deprivation, self-rule power, cruelty. So, it can be said that prison settings itself is the main root factor behind the abusing occurrences. Hence, Zimbardo is true in his theory of the situational variables that tremendously impact human nature and action. Thus, this experiment explains us the reason behind increase in guards’ and superintendents’ role behind the brutal abusing in the prison…show more content…
Due to solitary confinement, many complications are seen coupled with the increasing mental and physical suffering for the prisoners. Researches have shown that this confinement is responsible for prisoners’ long time enduring psychosomatic issues. Further, isolation or separation creates mental and physical barrier for the detainees, which in turn will worsen their overall rationale and corporal abilities. Also, human rights are not in favor of such punishments as they breach the rule of basic freedom rights of the human irrespective of its societal status or prestige. It has been observed in the past that such long-term isolation makes patients cruel, sick, hostile, and many inmates are observed having anxiety, clinical depression, self-mutilation, suicidal thoughts, recidivism, violence and so on. So, The United Nations Commission on Human Rights has attributed solitary confinement as the brutal treatment and against the human

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