Denzel Washington Research Paper

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This paper is written to explain how Denzel Washington has been a positive influence for the younger generation. He had to overcome a lot of obstacles to achieve his goal to become a wealthy and successful actor. I had to research articles, magazines, and web resources to find out more information about Mr. Washington’s life. At the age of 14 he had a hard time going through his parents’ divorce and started acting rebellious until going back to school, then going through college. He had the most positive influence from his mother about getting his education. He was the second child in his family to go to college. During the early times of his career he had to learn how to adapt to being an African American man in the white career industry. He became one of the best African American male actors…show more content…
Washington. With him being one of the two children in his family to go to college is a big inspiration to the children in the world today. His mother constantly sang praises about education to her children. She made sure the importance of getting your education was soaking into her children’s heads starting at early ages. No matter how many times or how loud a message was told to you, your education is worth more than money can buy. But you have to stay determined and stay on the right path so you can become a successful and independent adult. (Hazell, 2000, np) “I was a good student when I liked what I was doing; I’m proof of the importance of education. I don’t think anyone wants to decide on a major as soon as they get to college” Washington says, he continued. “Why should they when they’re only 17 and 18? I had to find myself in college and I had the freedom to fail in a sense, not to fail courses or they’ll kick you out, but the freedom to search. I became aware of my own study habits and I eventually found the thing that I loved, and I continue to do that until this day.”(Hazell, 2000, “Education is the Pathway”, para.

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