Dental Hygienist Personal Statement

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When I was a little girl, any time someone would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up my answer was something non practical like a rockstar or a princess. In about fourth grade my mind changed and my answer became a little more practical like a doctor or a dentist. Growing up, my personality and the values that I’ve gradually learned and established will prepare me for any career that I choose. Values such as punctuality, respect, responsibility, a great attitude and if something is going to be done, it’s going to be done right are valued qualities in a student or employee but are also what society demands in a productive person. I have always had an interest in teeth and oral health but many factors influenced me to decided that a dental hygienist was the right career for me. Salary, education, enjoyment and self-satisfaction are some major factors that helped me decide a Dental Hygienist would be good for me. I’ve always enjoyed interacting with almost any age but specifically children which contributed to my choice of a pediatric dental hygienist. They always say chose a job you enjoy doing because you’re going to be doing it for a long time and I’ve decided I’m really going to enjoy this job. When I got to high school, I knew that I needed to do something to help kick start my future. My…show more content…
Idaho only has three schools that offer an accredited program, College of Southern Idaho, Carrington College and Idaho State University. In order to graduate from an accredited program you must receive a diploma or certificate, you will also need to take and pass the dental hygiene clinical, the local anesthesia exam, the National Board exam and a jurisprudence exam. You must also be CPR certified ( Along with training and classes and exams, dental hygiene requires all of the values and characteristics mentioned

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