Personal Statement: A Career In Radiology

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Radiology is one of the many vital occupations in the medical field. It interests me because to me, being able to see the inside of the body and see where your bones are is very intriguing. With that job, you get to not only take the x-rays, which I like taking pictures, but you get to challenge yourself too. Radiologists have to diagnose a problem that they find in the x-ray, MRI, or CT scan, a challenge is always a little fun to me. Another great thing about being a radiologist is you get to help others in their steps of recovery. You have to diagnose a problem and consult to the doctor about your findings and then the doctor decides a treatment plan. Radiology is a very simple, yet complex job. A radiologist must use the imaging equipment which requires you to know how they operate and how to use them. They must also learn how to get good angles or good positions with the equipment so the pictures will turn our clear, readable and aimed at the desired location. In order to do that perfectly or near perfect, you must learn the strengths and the weaknesses of each piece of machinery. Not only do they take the pictures, they have to interpret them too. They have to know and be able to identify and define what they are looking at and need to be able to find the issue in the picture and…show more content…
The top ten percent receive $77,160 annually while the bottom ten percent only receive $37,060. The outlook for the rising career of radiology is that it will grow 21% within the time frame of 2012-2022 which happens to be faster than all other job occupations. The federal health legislation will expand the number of patients who have access to health insurance which increases the number of patients who are eligible for medical care. Many physician offices are bringing in radiologists and their equipment for a faster process and there are many outpatient imaging centers opening. (Radiologic and MRI

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