Deception In The Crucible Research Paper

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On a daily basis, people are part of a scheme of deception. Whether being the deceived or the deceiver, it affects people’s lives and changes their perception of others. In the play “The Crucible”, by Arthur Miller, deception plays a major role in the story. “The Crucible” is a story about 17th century Salem, and the effects of hysteria over an entire town. Deception is a powerful theme throughout the play, and it affects everyone in Salem. Abigail Williams, the main character, causes panic in Salem by accusing others in the town of practicing witchcraft. Only few question her, but everyone else perceives Abigail to be a reliable source of knowing who was doing black magic. With her name being “pure” in Salem, people did not second guess her motives. She becomes a character that is notorious for lying to everyone, and it never ends up blowing up in her face. Not only Abigail deceived others, but John Proctor did as well. In the play “The Crucible”, Arthur Miller conveys the theme of deceit through his main characters, Abigail and John.…show more content…
She refused to have her name “blackened” in the town. Abigail uses her appearance and charms to obtain what she wants, and in this case she uses it for evil. Because of Abigail’s trickery, many lives are lost and ruined. Abigail says, “I want to open myself! I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil, I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!” (Miller 1.485). This shows the reader how Abigail masters the skill of deception and uses it against others. Abigail was able to fool a whole town that she was innocent. As time goes on throughout the play, Abigail soon found a new reason to accuse others of

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