Personal Narrative: The Fall Of A School

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“Emma continues to have difficulty with reading, even though she had access to several programs To assist her. She has been able to maintain passing grades and her EQAO scores and grades three ‘approach ministry standards.’ This fall the school establish an individual education plan with LRT assistance and modifications for reading and accommodations in mathematics.” This is the first paragraph of the seven page report done just on me. When I was little things always came hard to me things like reading, writing, and spelling. I was thought that I was a late bloomer and that sooner or later I'd be up to spell words like cat, animal and color like the rest of the kids. I just hoped it would be sooner instead of later Remember the day I got tested it was December 15, 2008. I remember the weather being dark and gloomy…show more content…
i didn't know that yes i would be able to spell cat, animal and color, along with many other words. I didn't know that teachers in later grades would still yell at me and get upset at me for taking so much time to get tasks done, just for the pure reason that they had failed to read my learning profile. I didn't know that i would fail many task and get horrible grade are some testes but almost become a finalist in two speech compations. I didn't know that i would go though two painful hard learning programs along with go though 7 different tutors and mostly more to come still. That i would be amazing in math but soon that would also be as challenging as everything else to me. I didn't know that having my challenges would be one of the best and worst things of my life. One thing that upseted me then and still does now is that other kids will put in no effort into tasks at school and 90s while i will put in everything i get and might only get a 60%. I have learned that this learning challenge of mine does not make me any less able but just shows me i will have to work harder to get the things i
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