Inkle Studios: Website Analysis

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1. Inkle Studios a. Website: b. Description: The website describes the app that users can buy to explore Mary Shelley’s original story of Frankenstein. The creators of this application and website describe what the user will be buying into. There is a video that shows an interactive experience that the user will have as they read the texts. The application is a modern, interactive, and animated way that changes the platform of reading. c. Type of Users: Teacher, Student and parents can use this website and application. d. Favorite aspect of website: I love how this website offers an application for students to download and interact with the texts. The video on the website shows an example how…show more content…
Website: b. Description: This website is a breakdown of the chapters, author, characters, themes, vocabulary, and every aspect of a study guide resource. The website is very easy to use and is divided into sections of the book. This website is more of an informative study guide and assessment. c. Type of Users: Teacher and Student. Teachers can do formative & informal assessments by letting the students take quizzes and assigning homework. d. Favorite aspect of website: This is a simple website to follow and easy for students to do formative and informative assessment from. Teachers can base some of the instruction through the use of this website through homework and quizzes. I would use this website to draw some of my instruction from and have my students work in pairs as they do small group work. 3. MulltiMedia-English a. Website: b. Description: This website brings an engagement to the reader as they read the texts from the novel by playing a video from each chapter. It is a very simple and basic website that has the chapters with a video of an animated characters that play the scenes of the various chapters. Also, the website has games and puzzles that students can use to further their…show more content…
Favorite aspect of website: I like this website because it provides a way to reach leaners through visual and auditory examples. The video that play the scenes of the chapters provide a way to explain what happened in the texts and provide activities to follow up on. 4. Study.Com a. Website: b. Description: This website is more of a summary for the parent to see what their child will be reading and the student to see as well. The video, along with the texts, describe the story, timeline, theme, and biography of Mary Shelley. c. Types of Users: Students d. Favorite aspect of website: I like that this website provides a preview of what the parents and students can aspect to read about and also provide who the author is. The video describes what literary themes that come from the book and guides the reader into using those references. 5. a. Website: b. Description: This is a hilarious and funny website for the novel. The website describes a basic summary of the chapters from the book with short and funny animated videos. It takes the vocabulary and literary terms from the chapters to life by humorous acting by the animated characters. c. Types of Users:

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