Cuckoo's Nest Vs Mcmurphy

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“Is that crazy for ya’? Want me to take a shit on the floor?” Randall P. McMurphy exclaims in Director Miloš Forman’s film adaptation of Ken Kesey’s One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. While this quotation provides little context, it sets the stage for the maelstrom of outbursts, shock therapies, tortures, and even suicides that can be found within Forman’s masterpiece of a film. McMurphy, artfully interpreted by Jack Nicholson, is a newcomer to the mental hospital after he is dubbed insane for his tendency to stir brawls in his drunken stupor. When he is sent to the hospital rather than to jail, he sees the sentence as a blessing. He initially acts crazed to substantiate his need for time at the hospital while simultaneously establishing his…show more content…
McMurphy displays the same reaction as in the novel, becoming obsequious to his superiors, yet the neglect to include the death of Cheswick has drastic effects on later events of the movie compared to the effects his death had on the plot of the novel. Cheswick’s death reawakens the rebellious spirit in McMurphy, leading to him planning his escape. He gains enough confidence in his ability to plan a party, bringing in alcohol and his prostitutes, Candy and Rose, to celebrate his departure from the hospital and leave the patients with a night to remember. Alternatively, the film gives McMurphy no inspiration to realign his rebellion against Nurse Ratched after learning that he is committed to the ward. It almost seems random in that McMurphy feels the need to rebel again after being sent to the Disturbed ward, having punched through the glass of the nurses’ station to get a pack of cigarettes for the complaining Cheswick. He is immediately thrown into shock therapies to rehabilitate him, even though the treatments have no noticeable effect. As a result, McMurphy is given no tangible reason to rebel further and escape the ward. He goes on to throw a similar party as the one in the novel, convincing Mr.Turkle to let in his “party guests” and having a grand time with the other patients, yet it seems rushed. Cheswick’s death provided a need transition in the novel to spur the dying defection within McMurphy, yet the lack of his death causes a less elegant flow throughout the rest of the film’s
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