What Does The Tyger Mean

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The poem “The Tyger”, written by William Blake, comprises of sound devices, imagery and symbolisms that add to the meaning, rhythm and emphasis of the theme good versus evil. Literary devices that are used throughout the poem include repetition, alliteration, onomatopoeia, symbolism and figurative imagery. Repetition helps produce deeper levels of emphasis, clarity, and emotional effect. Specifically, due to the constant repetition in the poem, it helps create a chant-like atmosphere that adds to the mysteriousness of the poem: “Tyger Tyger” (Blake, 1) this repetition not only emphasizes the importance of the tyger, but also helps to add meaning to the overall poem. In addition, the poem has a nursery rhyme like rhythm that helps set a specific mood to the poem that the readers will be affected by while reading the poem causing them to get into the same mindset as the poet himself. Alliteration draws attention to an idea or an image within a poem. Specifically, this poem tries to create the presence and emotion of darkness and suspense: “In what distant deeps or skies” (5). Blake uses alliteration to create a sing-song rhythm that helps spark curiosity in his readers, so that they desire to learn the unknown ideas that are contrasted in the dark imagery. The repetition of the, “s" sound draws…show more content…
Specifically, the poem talks about: “When thy heart began to beat” (11). The word “beat” enhances the reader’s ability to experience fear and understand the evil associated with when and why the Tyger is conceived. Moreover, because onomatopoeia can affect the rhythm and meter of a poem, the word “beat” emphasizes the beginning of something evil which evokes a bone chilling and frightening mood for the readers. Overall, onomatopoeia helps to better explain the theme and gives the poem a more vivid description to the overall meaning and intent of the

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