Cuckoo Search Algorithm Analysis

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CHAPTER 2 Cuckoo Search Algorithm This chapter provides a breif introduction to the area of Nature Inspired Algorithms and its classification. Among all the categories, Swarm intelligence will be the main area of focus. Various swarm intelligence techinques will be discussed in the later sections. Cuckoo Search Algorithm is also one of the latest swarm intelligence technique which is focused in this dissertation to solve the problem discussed in chapter 1. 1. Nature Inspired Algorithms Nature has always been a rich source of inspiration to human being. It is so diverse yet sophesticatedly organized itself in a beautiful manner. The way species have evolved themselves and the different techniques they adapt for their survival and evolution…show more content…
They are obligate brood parasites. They lay their eggs in the nests of other host birds (usually other species), instead of creating their own nests. Some cuckoo species have evolved in such a way that female parasitic cuckoos are often very specialized in mimicking the colors and patterns of the eggs of a few chosen host species, so that the host species cannot distinguish between their own eggs and cuckoo’s eggs [4]. Also, the hatching timing of cuckoo's eggs is very interesting. The cuckoo's eggs hatch little earlier than host bird's eggs. Cuckoos have the abilities to identify nests containing recently laid eggs. Once the cuckoos chick are hatched, they evict the host eggs by blindly propelling it out of the nest [3]. Some of the host birds are able to combat this parasitic behavior of cuckoos. They either throw out the discovered alien eggs or build a completly new nest at a safe location. Not only this, cuckoo chick are also specialized in mimicking the sound of host bird's chick so that they can increase their share of food brought by the host bird. This cuckoo breeding analogy is used to develop the Cuckoo Search Algorithm…show more content…
Quality : The artificial cuckoo searches for the most suitable nest to lay her egg(solution) in order to maximize her eggs’ survival possiblity. An elitist selection strategy is applied, so that only high-quality eggs (best solutions near the optimal value) have the opportunity to develop (next generation) and become mature cuckoos. The quality/fitness of the egg depends on the proximity of the egg with other eggs layed by the host bird. Population : The number of host nests (population) are fixed. The host bird can discover the alien egg (worse solutions away from the optimal value) with a certain probability. These eggs are either thrown away from the host bird's nest or the entire host bird's nest is abandoned and a completely new nest is built at a new location. Otherwise, the egg matures and lives to the next generation. Lévy flights : The cuckoo chooses the new nest to lay its new eggs (solutions) by Lévy flights around the current best solutions. 2.3.3 Cuckoo Search Algorithm

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