Disadvantages Of Fire Tube Boiler

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INTRODUCTION Morden day boilers come now come in different shapes and sizes and used for different reasons and places. Therefore they will use up a large amount of energy depending on industry or type of service organisations. This report will look and investigate different types and designs of boilers concentrating on how these can be running at the utmost efficiency. Areas to be looked into will include Flue gas temperature, fuel specification and properties, air excess, ambient conditions, radiation and convection heat losses AIMS DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF A FIRE TUBE TYPE OF BOILER. A fire-tube boiler is a type of boiler in which hot gases from a fire pass through one or more tubes running through a sealed container of water.…show more content…
The water is supplied in shell and outside tubes while hot gas is supplied inside tubes so the water volume cannot be shaken easily when the fire tube boiler is running. 2. Fire tube boiler is so easy to use, operate, clean and maintain 3. Fire tube boiler can be used in small scale industries. 4. Fire tube boiler is relatively cheaper than water tube boiler. Disadvantages of fire tube boiler are 1. From the furnace combustion side, required time to fill water is longer than to increase temperature and pressure. 2. The efficiency of heat transfer (heat transfer efficiency) is bad enough because of the heat exchanger does not use thermal radiation. 3. In case of bombers fire tube boiler would be very dangerous if a large amount of hot water and steam have been accumulated inside (leakage occur). 4. The fire tube boiler cannot produce steam at a pressure higher than 250 pounds per square inch. 5. Capacity of generated steam is limited. TYPICAL APPLICATION OF FIRE TUBE…show more content…
The greatest advantage of indirect method is that it also speaks about the sources of losses. By finding out indirect efficiency, one can come to know where the losses are increased and can be reduced. On the other hand, direct efficiency values are closer to reality as compared to indirect efficiency on account of uncovered losses such as radiation losses, ON-OFF losses etc. But direct efficiency can only tell us about the magnitude of overall loss. No information about individual losses and their magnitudes is conveyed from direct efficiency calculation. There always exists some difference in the values of direct and indirect efficiencies. Indirect efficiency is measured at a particular time whereas direct efficiency is measured over a period of time and hence, losses on account of fluctuating loads, boiler on-off etc. are also taken into

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