Critical Analysis Of A Doll's House

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The play was immensely controversial upon its first publication and performance in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1879, and for good reason. This is about the unravelling of a family—it epitomizes one who has been oppressed lashing out against social norms in a way that is both painful for the character and uncommon in representation until very recently. This modern drama, or rather this story of a modern societal tragedy, is beautifully crafted in a way that makes it both heart-wrenching and timeless. Even with the overwhelmingly present attempt to place this story in the box that is 19th century Scandinavia, Ibsen’s characters and the director, Joseph Losey, bring the story to life so that it comes to easily represent partnership, marriage, equality,…show more content…
This culminates to the pinnacle resolution, and Nora abandons him as she recognizes the truth of her situation. She accuses her husband and her father before him of having used her as a ‘little doll’ to dress up and play with, and declares herself (in an homage to her husband’s earlier declaration that he was going to take her children from her had the situation not been righted) unfit to be a wife or mother until she has educated herself in the ways of the world to prevent being seen any longer as the thoughtless child that even her dearest friend claims her to…show more content…
I highly recommend that the average person view this production straight away and without reservation. Nora, in this play, becomes the symbol of a woman to be reckoned with. She is one who recognizes her position and openly disagrees with it in a way that generally was not allowed. In a culture where it is presented plainly that a woman who as much as puts herself in the public eye layers on the crosshairs of vicious abuse, it would be impossible to overlook the play’s feminist resonances. Virulent prejudice against women and the pressure on them to behave in certain ways existed then when it was conceived, and it still exist to this day. Perchance the most profound element of the play is that it presents a woman's quandary as equal to that of a human struggle, relevant to both sexes, as portrayed by a male and female

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