Conventions In Jane Eyre

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The novel Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Bronte is about a rebellious woman named Jane who expresses the prejudices of women in the year 1847. Jane is a bold character who constantly points out the flaws in society’s norms and states her morals which constantly challenge the conventions of her time. Jane is a significant character due to the fact that she is able to choose her own fate without sacrificing her dignity. She refuses to give into the sought out ending which is expected of her. Jane encounters many situations which tempt her to become a conventional character but chooses to trust her instincts and defy the expectations of that time. Jane is under the influence of convention at the beginning of the novel when it is established that the household she abides in mirrors the actions and opinions of society. Jane is tormented by her cousins and her insensitive Aunt who discipline Jane unjustly and constantly demonstrate false morals. Jane is taught to be of…show more content…
When the couple resides at Ferndean they are able to begin a new relationship based on equality and morals. Ferndean is a peaceful and quiet place, even the root of the word, “fern” relates to flourishing growth. This is in contrast to Thornfield since thorns usually indicate barriers, violence and isolation. Thorns also prevent the growth of a healthy relationship. “Reader, I married him. A quiet wedding we had: he and I, the parson and clerk, were alone present.” (Bronte). The audience of Bronte’s time may have found this phrasing odd, as it would have made more sense for Jane to say “Reader, he married me.” This phrase takes away the dominance of a male figure in the relationship and shows the woman making a choice. Jane chose to marry Rochester only after he had undergone a change and was able to understand her. At this point they are equal intellectually, morally and in social

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