Controlling In Hamlet

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Hamlet In hamlet, it's shows that life is messy. People cannot control what most of what happened ,what other people do, and sometimes what they decide for.There is no way to handle a messy life, but to go with the flow and personal feeling seems to be the only choice. In hamlet there are numerous examples of inability of controlling what happens in life ; as presented by the action of Hamlet, Ophilia, Gurtrude, Claudius and others. Both character from Hamlet, and people in reality suffer inability of controlling life. Many things that happened in Hamlet are uncontrollable ; like in reality, things don't always happen as people wish for. Everyone is powerless infront of Fortuna. Hamlet wasn't able to look into the future and stop Cladius…show more content…
Many events that happened really killed hamlet inside, and one of event was the marriage between Gurtrude and Claduise. If Hamlet somehow got the power to control the future or presents, then surely he would stop the marriage that was arranged three months after king hamlets death, and the tragic might not have happened. The truth is, the marriage was above Hamlets control, and he was only able to control and gain more hatred towards Cladious, Gerturde and the world. Not only Hamelt suffers infront of Fortuna ,but also Laretes. Laretes was not able to control of what's going to happen in stuff that Polonius had planned, therefore Polonius died under Hamlets hand at the scene where Polonius plans on spying on Hamlet and Gurtrude. Right after the death of Polonius, Ophilia became mad and drowned to death, and therefore Laretes who wasn't able to cotrol the future of his loves ones became heart broken and can only choose to seek revenge from Hamlet. Claudis, is a man who is truly hated by Fortuna, because everything he wishes for , the opposite happened. Claudia killed…show more content…
Hamlet is very sick of Gurtrude, but Hamlet does not have the power to control Gurtrude emotionally or physically, and therefore Hamelt can only gain more sickness towards Gurtrude. Hamelt is also sick of everyone, because no one he sees is using their reasons and angelic potentials to become a better person, and if Hamelt could control everyone to use their angelic potential then there will be no hatred in Hamlet and no tragic will happen. To some people Ophilia is a pupet who is being controlled by Polonius, but Polonius was only able to control Ophilias physical act, but not Ophilias personal thought or feeling. The only reason why Ophilia listens to Polonius, is because Polonius if Ophilias father, but what if Polonius was a stranger, then Polonius might not have the power to take control of Ophilias physical actions. Ophilia has her own personal feelings and it is shown after death of Polonius ; Ophilia became mad and sang sexual lyrics. The reason why Ohplia became crazy is because of mixture feelings ; Polonius is killed by the person she loved, so therefore she is sad, angry, horrofied, and probably she still feels for Hamelt. Ophilia isn't able to put all that anger on Hamlet, so therefore she puts all that pressure on herself, and then she became mad. Another Example of inability to control others is showed by Claudious and Hamlet. Hamlet was always out of
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