Love In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby - Theme - Love Throughout The Great Gatsby, love is one of the main components of the novel, or the lack thereof. During the 1920s, good morals and values were slowly crumbling. Francis Scott Fitzgerald portrays a realistic image as to what life would actually be like during the 1920s. All of the relationships that are in the novel are not based off of love, but the love of materialistic commodity. Tom and Daisy Buchanan are the ideal example of fake love. The adulterous relationship between Myrtle Wilson and Tom Buchanan’s relationship was based on shared exploitation. Tom only uses Myrtle for sexual relations while Myrtle receives gratuity and gifts. Even though Tom does not love Myrtle, she believes that Tom is going to leave Daisy to be with her. Myrtle is unhappy with her current husband because he has proven to be unsuccessful. George Wilson works in the Valley of Ashes, a place where someone who is from East Egg,…show more content…
Jay Gatsby purchased a house across from Daisy in hopes of catching her attention with his massive parties. He buys this immaculate house to impress her and to let her know of his wealth. Gatsby was only in love with the idea of loving Daisy. Since it had been five years since they have seen each other, it was impossible for him know that he loved her. Daisy was married with a child and had a life of her own. She had been without Gatsby for so long and the events that happened during that time could change her. Daisy, a very materialistic person, took a tour around Gatsby’s mansion and loved everything she saw. She did not care about Gatsby, only the material items that he owned. Gatsby wanted to be with the Daisy that he knew five years ago. Gatsby even tried to separate Tom and Daisy by telling Daisy that he wants to repeat the past. 'Can't repeat the past?' [Gatsby] cried incredulously. 'Why of course you can!'" (Fitzgerald
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