SECTION II Explain Foucault`s biopower and how it functions in Kubrick`s 2001: A Space Odyssey. The movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey starts with an image of a totally free, pre-human ape community and continues in an ultra modern world with its extremely disciplined and conditioned subjects. Biopower in the Foucauldian sense is perfectly illustrated by the sharp difference in the usage of violence in the two scenarios. The ape was violently beaten to death by a wood stick in ancient times whereas the
research intends to examine the relationship between sport for development (SFD) programs and Aboriginal peoples by critically exploring the historical and concurrent structure of Aboriginal sport initiatives in Canada. To this end, Foucault’s concepts of biopower, panoptic surveillance, docile bodies, and technologies of the self will be incorporated in order to reveal how colonial-power is reproduced through the institution of sport and specifically SFD initiatives. Given this, it is my hope that a
in French, Surveiller et Punir: Naissance de la prison, written by Michel Foucault was published in 1975. The author was a French philosopher and historian of ideas. He problematized (in his way of the term) many important concepts in the twenty century, as biopolitics, biopower, and as we can see in this book, panopticism. In that book, Foucault shows us the development of punitive and disciplinary practices through the centuries, from the ceremony of tortures, to the dominion over the body in a