of the water, perhaps with or without a seal in its jaws. It the seal appears to be in its mouth, it typically shakes its head from side-to-side, possibly facilitating death or performing a severe injury via neck trauma. This is called the “Lateral Head-Shake”. This action typically breaks the neck of a seal or, if dead, maximizes the cutting efficiency of the shark’s serrated dentition by sawing apart the ribcage (which is usually the only portion of a seal that provides ant significant resistance
concrete tank can never replace their ocean home.” Orcas can swim up to one hundred miles a day in the wild, in comparison a tank is like a bathtub to them. Orcas are being confined and not being able to do what they would if they were in the wild which is undeniably torture for these amazing animals. In captivity orcas are also extremely anxious and prone to situations that are abnormal for wild sea animals that can also hurt them. In addition, “The mental, emotional, and physical stress that a captive
The Second World War was the first conflict on American soil after the Civil War. American entry into the war started with the bombing, on December 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor. The Japanese conducted other minor attacks on the west coast of the US mainland, but no full scale attack. However, the Japanese did attack a string of American islands that are part of Alaska, known as the Aleutian Islands. The Japanese and the United States have always had a questionable interaction between one another. The