Comparing Women In Persepolis And Breakfast At Tiffany's

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Society portrays women as inferior to men and in order for women to be happy and accepted they must be dependent on a man and follow the ideals placed on them. Different forms of media reflect this idea throughout history. In Medea, the King and people of Corinth consider Medea as a “mad woman” because she speaks her mind and takes action after having a broken heart. In Persepolis, Satrapi cannot freely wear certain brands of clothing if the government does not allow it. Also in Breakfast at Tiffany’s Paul convinces Holly that she will never find true happiness until she agrees to “belong” to him. Nowadays, media still displays women under men even though women should be viewed equal to men. In Medea, after Jason breaks Medea’s heart, she goes into a rant about getting her revenge on him and the people of Corinth find her…show more content…
Paul tries to instill the idea in her that she must be dependent of a man. Holly considers herself free and independent and claims no one can own her. This idea bothers Paul since women should not be having this sort of mentality, which was beginning to become common during the 1960’s when Breakfast at Tiffany’s was filmed. Throughout the whole movie Holly is portrayed as a mess through her dirty apartment, urge to always throw parties, and trying to marry men for their money. Holly only seems to have order when she meets Paul. In the final scene, Paul reprimands Holly for wanting to be a “wild spirit” because women are seen as unable to be independent but rather are inferior and need protection and support from a man. In this scene, Paul makes his final statement outside a cab looking down on Holly making himself seem superior to her. A combination of the rain, low key lighting, and the gloomy music being played is enough to make Holly feel insecure and believe that her place as a woman is next to a

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