Comparing The Girl Without Hands 'And The Three Snake Leaves'

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The emotive and empowering representation of Nature within Romantic texts allows for exploration of both the Romantic notion of the Sublime and the imaginative virtue of youth. In both the poetry of Samuel Coleridge and the film Bright Star directed by Jane Champion significant ideas are conveyed through analysis of the natural world, through which we are intellectually challenged by the depth of humanity’s relationship with nature as well as emotionally compelled by the valorisation of children due to their acute interaction with the sublime. This is also evident within the two Grimm Brothers’ Tales, “The Girl Without Hands” and “The Three Snake Leaves” wherein the composers presentation of the empowerment of youth by means of connection to…show more content…
Coleridge’s poem “Frost at Midnight” clearly demonises the city lifestyle and confirms through elaborate diction its effectiveness in distancing humanity from the natural environment, thus he “saw nought lovely but the sky and stars.”. However, Coleridge expresses the notion that his son is able to overcome the restrictions of the city through the emphatic “But thou” in conjunction with emotive simile connoting the child’s intense proximity with nature, “my babe! shalt wander like the breeze”. In this the power allotted to children by Romantic composers is evident as Coleridge likens the influence of the child to that of the wind itself, positioning the child as the hero of the text. Likewise, the work “The Three Snake Leaves” indicates reverence for the young protagonist through emphatic “but the youth stepped fourth”. This powerful language consequently demonstrates the protagonists’ devotion to “the father-land” and hence ultimately engages us with emotive portrayal of Romantic ideals concerning Nature as

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