Comparing Gandhi And On Civil Disobedience

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Thoreau and Gandhi Essay Mohandas K. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and David Henry Thoreau were all born into three different generations, but all three brought about the same way of living their lives. Through their writings Walden, “Civil Disobedience", and “On Civil Disobedience” they talk about how to live one’s life by being oneself, living one’s life peacefully, and to not conform to the outside world. Mahatma K. Gandhi was a leader of India’s fight for independence from Britain’s rule. India is a very sacred country and their ancestors were very one with nature which has continued throughout the years. These three writings all have similarities of being peaceful and not conforming to their government. Gandhi believes that being peaceful through non violence will always be the best option. Gandhi said “We will gladly die and will not so much as touch you. But so long as there is yet life in these our bones, we will never comply with your arbitrary laws.”…show more content…
Thoreau believes one should think about oneself more often and not about the government and the laws they make one follow. This follows with the same rule he is trying to teach one in Walden. Be oneself and do not conform to one’s society. He explains how most people these days conform to their society because they feel pressured into following the crowd. Thoreau says “If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies; and so a man.” He is trying to say that if our government does not let us live how we want and they make us follow their laws at all time, we are not living at

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