Similarities Between Martin Luther King Jr And Malcolm X

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This essay will be introducing Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and comparing their leadership styles. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were Civil Rights Activist. Martin Luther King was born January 15, 1929. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia. His original name was Michael. He was brought up in the church seeing that his grandfather and father were pastors and it’s only right that he done the same when he got older. He attended schools in Georgia that were segregated, and graduated from high school by the age of 15. He went on to get a degree from Morehouse, which was considered a B.A degree. By graduating from the well-known negro institution, he also followed the footsteps of his father and grandfather there also. He continued to go on a B.D degree and also a doctorate. He later found his soulmate in Ms. Coretta Scott.…show more content…
Malcolm Little, or Malcolm X was born in Omaha, Nebraska in 1925. He was also the son of a preacher and his father was a follower of Marcus Garvey. After the KKK made threats to his father, their family moved away. They moved up north to Lansing, Michigan. After getting to Michigan, the threats continued. He urged blacks to take control of their lives. His father was later killed off by blacks similar and familiar with the KKK. After his father’s murder, welfare caseworkers were aiming to turn everyone in the family against another. His mother had a mental breakdown and never was the same again. Unlike Dr. King, Malcolm dropped out of school after 8th grade, and became known as the Detroit Red. He had died his hair red to have a white look. He was locked up at age 21 was when he discovered the teachings of Elijah Muhammad. He was the leader of the

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