Comparing Confucianism And Daoism

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Both Confucianism and Daoism were contrasting traditions that influenced China and the Eastern Asian countries. Confucianism originated for Confucius, or Mast K’ung, who taught that reason and logic could solve all human problems. Excessive emotions and superstition are rejected from his philosophy. Through his philosophy, Confucius turn ancient China into a more structured society. Education and other Confucian ideas shaped the Chinese society. Both a tradition and a religion, Confucianism taught that following traditions of early Chinese culture is the best way to organize a society. Teachings are collected in Analects, which were a collection of teachings, sayings, and anecdotes. A passage from the Analects defines Confucius own search for natural balance: “At 15 I set my heart on learning; at 30,, I firmly took my stand; at 40 I came to be free from doubts; at 50 I understood the decree of Heaven; at 60 my ear was attuned; at 70 I followed my heart’s desire without overstepping the line” (270).…show more content…
Some practices include visits to temples to pay homage to the God, referred to as Ti’en, Confucius, or ancestors. Respect is the main virtue that Confucianism is based on. People should respect their superiors. This means a son should respect his father. Confucianism is dictated by principles that followers must harness. The main principles of confucianism is ren, li, and xiao. Ren is the sense of “being fully human or the sense of humaneness” (269). Li was the ritual norms, the ethical propriety, good manners, and cultivation of traditional ritual practices. It is the principle of social order or general ordering of life. Xiao was filial piety. Together, these principles constitute de, or virtue. As China culture grew, Confucianism expanded to other cultures of Eastern

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