Broken Blossoms Vs Bringing Up Baby Essay

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Throughout the semester, we have watched many films that vary from black and white to color and from silent to sound. After reviewing the many films we have seen this semester, two of my favorites are “Broken Blossoms” and “Bringing up Baby”. Now this became as a shock to me because both films are so diverse from one another however both do have some similarities. In their own way, “Broken Blossoms” and “Bringing up Baby” both have their own film history as well as what was happening technologically and historically in the world. To begin, “Broken Blossoms” was directed by D.W. Griffith, founder of Narrative film, during 1919 in the United States of America. The film is in black and white and is a silent film lasting 90 minutes. The film is about a Chinese settler, the Yellow Man, who moves to England in hopes of spreading Buddhism to the filthy streets of London. The Yellow Man did not expect the terrible environment of the London city…show more content…
Hawks created films in approximately every American genre (McBride, Joseph). “Bringing up Baby” is one of Howard Hawks', best wacky comedies and is frequently considered the ultimate wacky comedy film. The film’s script is a masterpiece of organization with too many double entendres to keep tally. “Bringing up Baby” is the essence of screwball comedy born in the beginning days of the Hays Code. Therefore, there was no kissing. For example, when Susan and Mr. David Huxley share the last scene together and admit their feelings for one another they consummate their relationship with a passionate hug rather than a kiss. In addition, “Bringing up Baby” is also one of the most humorous, crazy and most stimulated films of all time with its quality breathless pace, zany tricks, silly circumstances, ideal sense of comic timing, entirely eccentric cast, chain of foolish and ludicrous disasters, light-hearted revelations and romantic comedy (McBride,

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