Compare And Contrast Zoroastrianism

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Buddhism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism are all similar in that they believe in the afterlife and that there is a heaven that some people will get to go to. They contrast in where these religions were founded, how not every one of these religions believes in a god, how not every one of these had a single founder, and the rules or tenets that you must follow in each of these religions to reach heaven. In Zoroastrianism ever person will eventually reach heaven, whether by going there directly after death for the good people, or after waiting in a purgatory to be eventually saved by Ahura Mazda from the clutches of Angra Mainyu for the mediocre or wicked people. In Buddhism a person’s life is set out to try to finally achieving “enlightenment,”…show more content…
There is no reincarnation, just a judgment four days after death. Also, a sufficient amount of time in hell, can atone for the sins of the condemned and they too can go to heaven. To be judged righteous, one can use knowledge or devotion, but the most effective way is through action. Buddhism also believes that heaven is the spirit rejoining with god. Reaching Nirvana requires following the Eightfold Path, this includes understanding the universe, and acting, speaking, and living in the right manner and with the right intentions. Mastering these and the other of the tenets of the Eightfold Path will return a worshipper’s spirit to god. Hinduism is similar to Buddhism in some ways. Salvation (moksha) is reached when the worshiper is freed from the cycle of reincarnation, and his spirit becomes one with god. You becomes free by ridding yourself of bad karma—the effect of evil action or evil intent. This can be done in three different ways: through selfless devotion to and service of a particular god (Bhagavad Gita), through understanding the nature of the universe, or by mastering the actions needed to fully appease the

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