Compare And Contrast Momaday And Brown

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Free-response 4 Revision: Scott Momaday and Dee Brown on place Land is a very important aspect of Native American life, as exhibited in Momaday and Brown’s contrasting passages. Momaday portrays the land as alive, whereas Brown describes the land as destroyed. Momaday’s purpose is to express that despite the lonely environment the plain can be a very inspiring, thriving place by writing mystically, while Brown means to show that the Westward expansion has destroyed the plain and it is not revivable by writing resentfully. Both authors use figurative language to depict the landscapes in a way that caters to their purpose. The plains Momaday and Brown describe have unbearably hot summers. Momaday describes the summer heat metaphorically, comparing…show more content…
Momaday writes of grass that is “brittle and brown” and that “cracks beneath [one’s] feet,” but immediately writes that there are also “green belts along the rivers and creeks.” This exhibits that despite the negative aspects of the plain Momaday describes, he acknowledges that it also has good aspects. Momaday has the transcendental capacity to appreciate the positive aspects of the plain and not just focus on the negative. This ability allows Momaday to appreciate the landscape and allow all parts of it to inspire him, which is what he conveys to the audience as his purpose. In contrast, Brown simply writes about the “parched grass” on the plain and doesn’t associate it with anything positive. This exhibits that the plain has been destroyed and nothing can make it better. Brown is so resentful about the destruction of the plain he refuses to recognize anything remotely good that remains on the plain, which exemplifies his purpose of explaining that the expansion completely devastated the plain. Even though the plains Momaday and Brown write about are similar, their different purposes cause them to describe the landscapes with very different

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