Common Stereotypes Of Metal Music In The 1970's

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For the final communications project I chose to narrow my research on heavy metal music to its beginning in the 1970’s including the Satanic Panic and present day. This paper not only covers the history but also the development of metal. I will also explain the reasons why metal has such a negative connotation, where it got its roots from, as well as why young audiences think this music is so intriguing. I will explain the changes that bands face overtime, as well as the psychological influences on society. I want to aim my research towards the common stereotypes of metal and how they still are around now. Metal music has attracted a hardcore reputation for it’s satanic influence that began with the lyrics from a band called Black Sabbath.…show more content…
Young men with long hair refused to fight in the Vietnam War because they felt it was wrong. They were not society drop outs. They were college students who wanted to see a change in how life was perceived especially through music. In the 1970’s Black Sabbath’s album Black Sabbath was released on Friday the 13th of February 1970. It was thought that this term originated from the 1960’s rock band Steppenwolf, who wrote the hit song “Born to be Wild.” This all came about during a time when morbid fascination with death, impending world war three, the meaninglessness of existence and nuclear weapon development all contributed to the human condition (Faulkner 186). This was all compared to the upbeat pop music of the Osmonds, Jackson Five and Boyzone. The emphasis of metal was to be louder than anything else and that instruments should compete with each other. For example: Deep Purple once made it to the Guinness book of records as the Loudest Rock Band in the World (Faulkner 186). In the1980’s the music clashed with the establishment which included censorship hearings, witch-hunts and christian fundamentalist groups that denounced the works of the devil. During this time people made the assumption that the band AC/DC stood for “Anti-Christ/ Devil’s Child.” Ricky Casso, a murderer, was found wearing an AC/DC shirt and police were reluctant to label him as a “devil worshiper,” where as the press sensationalized it. Shortly after, the band The Beatles, were dragged into the Manson trial based on their song “Helter Skelter.” People had a big lack of understanding for this type of

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