College Admissions Essay: The First Generation College Attendee/Graduate

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I will be the first generation college attendee/graduate in my family; it is important for me to stay on track. My family has always told me to go surpass expectations and to not let anything distract me. I wasn't born into a rich or middle class family, but I was born into a family that did everything to set me on the right path so I wouldn't end up in their shoes, struggling everyday to make ends meet. Growing up in the rural parts of Warrensville, Ohio in a single parent household, then transitioning to inner city Cleveland, made me into the tough, hardworking person I am today. At the beginning of my freshman year, I was a bright, productive student; I tried my hardest to make my freshman year the best. I got good grades, joined the track…show more content…
I started to see my full potential and reached new heights in academic and personal life. I took advantage of every opportunity, like joining Green Corps. To this day, I work with low income children at a Boys and Girls Club; I hope to be able to inspire them. Many of the kids that I work with come from the same background as me or even worse. Many of them don't have role models to look to at home but when they come to the Boys and Girls Club, they look to staff like me. I take on the responsibility to give these kids a shining light and for them to know that they have a chance. Going to college I would like to be able to give back to my community; I know that if I go to college that I will be provided with a great education and I'll be provided the tools needed to help the children of my community. I want to be able to open an organization that will fund low-income African American and Latino children of my community and give them the opportunity to travel to either Africa or Latin America. I want to open an organization like this because not many African American and Latino children know where are roots come from we are not provided that

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