College Admissions Essay: My First Year Of Middle School

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Something most of my peers would not readily perceive about me is the story as to how I got to the desk next to theirs. In my first year of middle school, I made poor choices as to whom I considered my friends; I neglected to surround myself with people that would bring out the best in me. My naive self was unable to comprehend the repercussions that would arise. Little did I know that starting early as middle school, my school district divides students based on their mathematical ability, which positions students to study more advanced mathematics. To my disappointment, I was not selected to study accelerated math, which would place me to study AP Calculus as a senior. Without realizing it, my grades dipped. I was labeled incapable of advanced…show more content…
I was ashamed—I knew, just as well as my parents knew, that I was capable of more, and I let them down. Likewise, I was exasperated, for I felt that I was being deprived of the rewarding experience of accelerated study. My actions continued to afflict me and I had a choice to make: to accept my failure or to redeem myself. At this point, I was nearly two months behind the accelerated students and I had an uphill battle to fight. Nonetheless, I was determined to prove my (ability/abilities) and to show my (new) teacher that I was capable of more advanced mathematical study. After careful consideration, I sought out my teacher and initiated what would be an enduring crusade. My ultimate goal—to transfer into accelerated math—did not come only as a result of a conference with my teacher. For the span of about a month, I stayed after school every day to learn the topics I missed, while staying current on the material of both sections. Furthermore, I acquired substantial outside preparation in order to accomplish the mastery of the skills I would need to advance. The daunting challenge I now combatted was overwhelming to my seventh grade self; but, no matter how arduous the task at hand was, I persevered. (While I cannot express my gratitude enough to my teacher, who went above and beyond by working with me every day after school,) my monumental

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