Close Reading Of Dante's Inferno

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Summary The world assumed a new shape when Lucifer’s fall upset the original order of nature. The entire last canto was all about being descriptive on the character of Lucifer. Lucifer was a signicant being in the midst of hell, and the leader of it all. Dante came up with a great plan of his own cosmography. He gave Hell and Purgatory a location in the universe while using physical science and religious history. The author stated, “ He conceived the idea that hell formed following the fall of Lucifer, when the infernal chasm opened chasm opened right below the point where Christ was crucified on Golgotha.”(432). It was also said that, “.. the mount of purgatory arose, organized from the gigantic mass of earth displaced by Lucifer’s body..”…show more content…
the Questio de aqua et terra which contradicted these same origins. Ceserani said, “The contrast between the two positions has prompted some scholars to doubt that Dante wrote the work; it’s incoherence clashes with the orderliness of Dante’s thought.” (432-433). There are other scholars who said that it is very reasonable for an author to make two different claims in separate works. There was a major division in this canto because of theme, tone, and progression. The first section is very descriptive about Virgil and Dante’s encounter with Lucifer. The author stated, “ In the first part, the perspective of Dante and Virgil reverses unexpectedly, and they now see Lucifer upside down.” (433). The 2nd part is all about their journey through a passage, and how they reach the new “bright world”. This division has led critics to a great deal of confusion. Dante described Lucifer in a very grotesque way, yet their interaction didn’t even halfway meet that. Critics claimed that this was all apart of Dante’s plan. The author stated, “No doubt Dante intended to surprise even readers familiar with Christian liturgy when in the first verse of the canto Lucifer appears as a…show more content…
From this there is a dark parody created from this. During another instance there is another example of parody. We get this when, “The climax of the episode is the moment when Dante and Virgil confront the crucifixion of Satan and manage to transform it into an instrument of salvation.” (435). Dante describing Lucifer was a mere image of the way that the lines of the tercets rhymed. One major results of this was, “ The vision seems to have a deformed or unreal quality..” (435). There was an optical illusion because when approaching these giants he thought they were tall towers. Ten tercets were used just to describe the massiveness corresponds to the massiveness of Lucifer. This description was also very confusing at times, and it was very conflicting with readers. Lucifer also wasn’t represented in a traditional way either. The author said, “Depictions of Satan as a mixture of animal forms were well diffused in the Middle ages in bas reliefs, frescoes, portals, manuscript miniatures, stories, histories, and chronicles from the Romanesque and Gothic periods.” (437). Satan reflected many different metaphorical symbols. Most importantly, “Satan reflects the three faces or natures of the Trinity when set

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