Civil Rights Movement Rhetorical Analysis

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The Civil Rights Movement (CRM) of 1960’s been a movement for the equality for African Americans, and started its roots from Birmingham, Alabama. CRM was a movement which has transformed people to follow certain goals and strategies for the rights of their equality. There were lot of demands and rights were specified by African American to gain their momentum and equality in America. Although the support of the Civil Rights movement was relatively constant, the goals of the movement became more high-reaching and specific, and its strategies became less compromising. The Civil Rights Movement was considered as a movement of transformation of American society, laws and regulations towards afro Americans; it was a movement of change and…show more content…
the initiator of the movement was an excellent communicator with his present ability to communicate with the audience and his speech considered as a benchmark for the turning political events and parties upside and this is the remarkable quality of an excellent speaker the response should be get as Martin Luther King, Jr. being the great orator and also was able to convey the information audience was seeking. With his insight and information he was able to pursue the government and try to hold on as being a good orator he was able to persuade the audience with its truthfulness and sincere efforts to take the civil rights movement effectively and audience was also resonating with the sentiments and the understanding of Martin Luther King, Jr. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the now-infamous "I Have a Dream" speech at Washington D.C. This expression of individualism and inter-racial equality values heavily impacted civil rights policies for decades, and its effects have been carried over into the modern world today (Friedman,…show more content…
Speech was initiated with the fact where the dreadful past but when it ends it with new beginning salutation which brings hope and faith among the audiences. So in the beginning of the speech enhancing the support of the people by uniting them and describes about the background of the issue and how the movement starts with the initialization of the march. King made several references to the government when false promises were made by the government for their declaration of independence. Next part of the speech connects with the benefits that the people derived being for black Americans such as “freedom and security” while showing the people new ray hope and better life with secured future he portrayed several ideas and back up plans like how these setups and work being done and should be continued (William,
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