Christian Worldview Research Paper

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A Christian worldview has been a part of my life since I can remember. However, growing up in the church and having a Christian education wasn't enough to call myself a Christian. It wasn't until I grew up and faced life that my worldview was tested, both in academia and the real world. I was faced with several questions that tested my faith as a whole and why I believed what I did. To a Christian, it would appear obvious that God exists by the mere sight of our surroundings. Some proofs would include the heavens, the earth and its inhabitants, and the laws of nature that ruled in absolute authority. God reigns as a self sufficient, Triune being that is not only eternal, but a divine person. Children sometimes ask who God is. He is our Father,…show more content…
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Whitlock, 6) God created our Earth (and us) in perfection and flawless beauty. Unfortunately, our true human nature reared its ugly head when tempted by the serpent, causing the Fall to doom us all to a life of sin, death, and suffering. Free will made its way into our lives as well, leading us either towards Christ or towards the desires of the flesh. It is with the Fall that the Lord not only starts anew with the flood later on, but He promises a Redeemer to save His people from the Father's eternal damnation and wrath. I always found this promise…show more content…
Christ's life and example, our own origins, and guidelines to how we should live our lives as God's children is all in the Bible. The way we grow as Christians in this knowledge is not only reading God's Word but also communicating with Christ. Prayer is our direct avenue of talking to God, both private or public. Communication with God changed for me over the last few years as Life ebbed and flowed over me. It took me a few years to realize that my prayers weren't falling on deaf ears, that blessings and trials that came to me were guiding me towards something better, despite the lack of vision or understanding on my

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