Choice Of Imorality In 'Anthony Burgess'

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III. Choice of immorality Anthony Burgess uses nadsat in order to characterise the protagonist as well as the youth subculture. As the protagonist, Alex is part of this subculture, the characterisations above apply to him as well. In the process he attempts to differentiate Alex separates from rest of the nadsat users, mainly by creating empathy towards himself. This is achieved by the use of nadsat language to immerse the audience into the fictional reality of the story from the perspective of an adolescent, Alex, and using specific features of the argot to create a distinction between him and rest of nadsat users. Immoral portrayal of Alex together with sympathy developed, through softening the violence and first person narrative and characterisation,…show more content…
No other character directly portrays immaturity through language, that is Alex is the only one using childlike words of the nadsat language throughout the novella. Therefore, Alex’s characterisation as more childlike differentiates him as a character from both society and his subcultural group. The vocabulary used in this certain manner may seem interconnected with words of violence and rape. Yet, they are different than other words within the nadsat lexicon for their origin was reported as “school boy talk” in the nadsat dictionary created by Anthony Burgess. That would mean they were made up to resemble childish version of everyday English. These are words of school boy speak; “eggiweg”(egg), “baddiwad”(bad), “guttiwuts”(guts), “jammiwam”(jam), “skolliwoll”(school). (Burgess) The protagonist uses these words mostly when in confinements of his own home. Through this technique, Burgess emphasises the childish and somewhat innocent nature of the protagonist. Thus, by using his home as a setting for he is at his most comfortable, Burgess portrays Alex as a harmless child at essence. Consequently, this implies that Alex chose to be cruel and immoral when in fact his core is also no different than other school boys’. Thus, again, the contrast between this aspect of the fictional language and the acts of the protagonist presents to reader the notions of morality and amorality, which are the extending themes of the

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