Cheesecake factory is famously known for its production of cakes where cheese is used as the main product during the process of production. The company is known for its cheesecake supplies to many states. Commitment, quality and service delivery are some of the major values that guides the company. Cheesecake factory ensures it maintains its social and ethical responsibilities in the business by establishing various code business conduct and ethics. These codes of business and ethics are made so
within The Cheesecake Factory Leadership is the essence of how followers will act using the head and the heart as a compass. The Cheesecake Factory is a great example of how management acting as leaders can illustrate the four styles of leadership. Daft (2008) stated “Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes” (p. 5). With the instilment of leadership at the core of all of The Cheesecake Factory managers