Character Analytical Essay: The 40 Developmental Assets

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Two polar opposites, John and Lorraine are sophomore students who come into contact with various struggles throughout their adventures, but have assets that allow them to blossom into mature individuals. Lorraine is sensitive and insecure, where John is confident and rebellious; an unlikely pair of friends. Their friendship however, does not fully form and take shape until the meeting of Mr. Angelo Pignati, an old man in need of some company. These friends have one thing in common though; they all have broken families, or their family life is not the greatest in the world. Lorraine suffers from the loss of a fatherly figure, Mr. Pignati has lost his beloved wife, and John lacks a strong relationship with either of his parents. Each of these characters possess some of the 40 Developmental Assets. The 40 Developmental Assets are a list of…show more content…
Lorraine doesn’t sit around and wait for things to change. She stands up for what she believes in; she possesses integrity. When she is against something, she makes it known. With this, she is able to resist the negative peer pressure to be irresponsible. She feels strongly about avoiding drugs and alcohol, and she can resist those who tempt her with fake promises and ideals. Lorraine was influenced to be the person she is by her mother. She cares about Lorraine very much, although it may be hard to see at first. Lorraine’s mother loves her and wants the best for her. Lorraine is shaped by those around her, and so is everyone. These people could make her a better person, or they could be a bad influence. Either way, with the assets Lorraine has, she shapes those around her, as they do the same. Everyone has an impact on others, and it’s up to them to make that impact one that can help others. Assets can be gained, and shared, but only if you let

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