Cellular Respiration Research Paper

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What is Cellular Respiration? Cellular Respiration is the process that releases energy from food when oxygen is present. Organisms get their energy they need from food. A unit of energy is a calorie. Cellular Respiration requires oxygen and a food molecule like glucose. The formula for Cellular respiration is 6O2 + C6H12O6 -->6CO2+ 6H20+ energy. In words this is Oxygen +Glucose-> Carbon dioxide+ water + energy. These give off carbon dioxide, water, and energy. Pathways that require oxygen are aerobic, or in air. Something without air like glycolysis is anaerobic. Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration have a few differences, like photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and cellular reparation puts it back. Cellular respiration…show more content…
The word means sugar breaking. It occurs in the cytoplasm. The end result of glycolysis is two molecules of a three-carbon molecule called pyruvic acid. In the process of glycolysis, one molecule of glucose, a six-carbon compound, is made into two molecules of pyruvic acid, a three-carbon compound. Energy is released as the bonds are broken and rearranged. One reaction of glycolysis removes four electrons, and passes them through an electron carrier called NAD+, also known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. Each NAD+ molecule accepts a pair of high-energy electrons. In cellular respiration, 2 ATP are made in the glycolysis part of cellular respiration. In Glycolysis, glucose is a substrate. This is the first of three stages of Cellular…show more content…
The Krebs cycle is named after Hans Krebs, a biochemist who discovered it in 1937. During the Krebs Cycle, pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of energy- extracting reactions. Another name for the Krebs cycle is the citric acid cycle, because citric acid is the first compound formed in this series of reactions. The Krebs cycle begins when pyruvic acid passes through two membranes of the mitochondrion into the matrix, which is the innermost part of the mitochondrion and the site of Krebs cycle reactions. After that, one carbon atom from pyruvic acid becomes part of a molecule of carbon dioxide, which is released into the air. The other two carbon atoms rearrange and form acetic acid. The resulting molecule is called acetyl- CoA. Acetyl- CoA adds the 2- carbon acetyl group to a 4-carbon molecule, producing a 6- carbon molecule called citric acid. As the cycle continues, electrons are transferred to energy carriers. Every turn of the cycle, a molecule of ADP is converted into ATP. 2 ATP are made during the Krebs cycle part of Cellular Respiration. Carbon Dioxide is made during the

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