Peas Lab Report

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Investigation 1: Respiration of Peas Introduction: There are 3 main methods through which we are able to monitor/ measure the rate of cell respiration. These 3 include; measuring the amount of glucose consumed, measuring the amount of oxygen consumed and measuring the amount of carbon dioxide consumed. In this investigation i will focus on an experiment with the experimental method of measuring the amount of oxygen consumed. When wanting to measure the amount of oxygen consumed we use a tool known as a respirometer. With the use of a respirometer the task is quite simple. It is constructed by inputting the chosen organism, in my case it will be peas, into a vial with a pipette attached. The vile, or the sealed container is where a chosen…show more content…
While making bread the yeast is the part which undergoes cellular respiration. During the making of bread, yeast starts off respirating aerobically (without the use of oxygen), which then leads to the creation of CO2 and water, which causes the dough to rise. Yeast works as a leavening agent in bread, changing the sugars in dough into gas, which creates the bubbles in the core. The longer the yeast is allowed to work in the bread, which is during the rising period of bread making, the more flavour the bread will have. However, because yeast will eventually switch from aerobic to anaerobic respiration, the yeast will run out of nutrition. Oxygen. When the bread is left to rise too long, the dough will slowly start to deflate. In order to speed up the rising process of the bread, more sugar is added to it as well as a touch of vinegar. This will encourage cellular respiration of the yeast. When the risen bread is baking the process of cellular respiration stops. For this experiment the most straightforward method to proceed with would be measuring the amount of oxygen needed once again. Instead of using any tools it would be much easier to put a loaf of dough into an enclosed space with a limited amount of oxygen accessible and the other loaf of bread into the open with an excess amount of oxygen. Both of the loafs would be made up with the same amount of sugar…show more content…
Hypothesis: Based on the collected information, I presume that the loaf of bread which will have an excess amount of oxygen will rise more, hence respire more rapidly as the amount of oxygen is exceeding therefore all of the yeast inside it will be used up and oxygen still left over, while the load which will be placed into an enclosed space/container will only have a certain amount of oxygen therefore will only be able to respire to a certain extent.

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