Cebu Pacific Case Study

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5.4 Productions/Operations/R&D Cebu Pacific has improved its operations since it started business. Check-ins is easier and there are more booking and payment options. There is still the traditional call center booking but Cebu Pacific is now utilizing the online booking. Online booking makes the booking process easier and more convenient for the passengers. The payment options are also more convenient. There is credit card, Bancnet online, over-the-counter payment, ATM, internet banking, phone banking, and Mobile phone banking. After the payment, Cebu Pacific provides you your plane ticket and itinerary. The next process is the check-in. Cebu Pacific also has convenient ways to check-in. They have web check-in wherein you can check-in to…show more content…
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS), NET OF TAX 209,681,986 (255,604,489) (48,480,934) TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME P1,063,180,202 P256,341,740 P3,523,533,329 Basic/Diluted Earnings per Share P1.41 P0.84 P5.89 Table 5.2 Cebu Pacific Air Balance Sheet For the Years Ended December 31, 2012, 2013, and 2014 2014 2013 2012 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents P3,963,912,683 P6,056,111,803 P10,728,326,325 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - 166,456,897 102,682,762 Receivables 1,862,718,419 1,817,816,603 988,511,487 Expendable parts, fuel, materials, and supplies 679,315,070 711,175,860 417,434,810 Other current assets 2,020,471,923 1,281,546,400 882,604,550 Total Current Assets 8,526,418,095 10,033,107,563 13,119,559,934 Noncurrent Assets Property and Equipment 65,227,125,368 56,412,466,284 47,484,106,152 Investments in joint ventures 591,339,486 578,824,453 511,756,873 Goodwill 566,781,533 - - Deferred tax assets - net - 112,156,602 - Other noncurrent assets 1,150,594,326 390,636,394 220,895,946 Total Noncurrent Assets 67,535,840,713 57,494,083,733 48,216,758,971 Total Assets P76,062,258,808 P67,527,191,296 P61,336,318,905 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current…show more content…
Flying Operations 50.29% 52.97% 52.81% Aircraft and traffic servicing 9.24% 8.79% 9.06% Repairs and maintenance 8.52% 9.33% 9.13% Depreciation and amortization 8.23% 8.43% 7.30% Aircraft and engine lease 6.74% 5.65% 5.37% Reservation and sales 4.14% 4.05% 4.29% General and administrative 2.49% 2.71% 2.84% Passenger service 2.34% 2.21% 2.18% Total Expenses 92.01% 94.14% 92.97% Revenue less expense 7.99% 5.86% 7.03% OTHER INCOME(EXPENSES) Equity in net income of joint ventures 0.19% 0.29% 0.14% Interest income 0.15% 0.54% 1.10% Gain on sale on financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss and available for sale financial assets - - 0.02% Foreign exchange gains(losses) -0.25% -5.03% 3.18% Interest expense -1.95% -2.11% -1.93% Hedging gains -4.45% 0.71% 0.68% -6.31% -5.61% 3.18% Income before Income Tax 1.69% 0.26% 10.21% PROVISION FOR (BENEFIT FROM) INCOME TAX 0.05% -0.99% 0.79% NET INCOME 1.64% 1.25% 9.42% Other comprehensive income(loss) to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: Actual gains (losses) on pension liability 0.58% -0.89% -0.18% Provision for (benefit from income tax) 0.18% -0.27% -0.05% OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS), NET OF TAX 0.40% -0.62%

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