Catcher In The Rye Mentality

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Adolescence is the transitional period of physical and psychology that generally occurs during puberty. And due to their rapid physical and mental changes, teenagers’ minds aren’t fully developed. J.D Salinger depicts teenagers’ unstable mindsets through the Catcher in the Rye, especially through his protagonist, Holden Caulfield. Throughout The Catcher in the Rye, J.D Salinger uses Holden to convey the immature curiosity and painfulness of growing up of typical teenagers. In the Catcher in the Rye, Salinger depicts the immature mentality of typical teenagers through Holden’s childish curiosity. In Chapter 12, when Holden takes a taxi, he asks the taxi driver, “Do you happen to know where they (ducks) go in the wintertime? (Salinger 81).” The “ducks” serve as a reference to the usual things, which people don’t even notice since they are unremarkable. Holden’s action of questioning the habitual concept represents his curiosity towards the general environment around him. However, Horwitz, the taxi driver, would characterize as…show more content…
When old Spencer was talking to Holden, in chapter 2, old Spencer tells Holden as the following: “Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules” (Salinger 8). Spencer compares adults’ world with a game to stress the fact that life is amusing and systematic. However, when Holden was talking to Phoebe, he says the following: “And I am standing on the edge of some crazy cliff” (Salinger 173). Although Holden tries no to express his emotions throughout the book, he expresses his fear of being an adult. Unlike Spencer, an elderly adult, he imagines that being an adult will lead to his downfall or, possibly, to his death. Salinger conveys that adults and teenagers have different beliefs about adulthood by contrasting Spencer’s belief and Holden’s belief on

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